🎯 Sizing : Doggles

🚩 COMPARE your dog's weight to the chart below to find the right size Doggles.

This may seem like an odd way to determine Doggles sizing, but this is what the manufacturer recommends - AND - I have found it to be highly accurate over the last 15 years.

Please don't be tempted to guess based on breed examples. Do the measurements! It's worth it to get the right size the first time. : ) 

Select the Doggles size that correlates best with your dog's weight. If your dog is on the cusp between 2 sizes choose the larger size  if your do is still growing (dogs usually grow up to 6 - 18 month.. depending on dog size)  If your mate is no longer growing choose the smaller size.

Dog Weight
Breed Examples
1 to 4kg
Teacup & Toy Sizes Chihuahua
Pomeranian, Yorkie
4 to 12kg
Beagle, Westie, Jack Russell,
Cavalier King Charles Cavalier
9 to 27kg
Aussie, Border Collie, Dalmatian
22 to 41kg
German Shepherd,
Golden Retriever, Boxer
Mastiff, St. Bernard,
Newfoundland, Great Dane

🚩 RIGHTO! You're ready to order!

If you have any issues with sizing (or anything else!) when you get your socks I'll be happy to sort you out. 


Just ring ☎️ 1300 725 781 for help.

Waggle Promises